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the city had provided an Alms House for the poor, and I am satisfied the people are in a condition to assume the care of nearly, if not all of the paupers, white and colored.

Taking the returns of the last issue, as the basis of estimate for a months' supply, we find that to 21157 persons, 282,617 rations were issued: less than one half a ration to each person, or full rations to 9420 persons.

The most economical supply is corn-meal and bacon, in the proportion of 2 1/2 lbs. of bacon to one bush. of meal. Corn is now worth at S. Louis, 90. cts. and bacon 17 cents.

I am not aware what the transportation will cost. Governor Patton informed me that he had arranged with Steam Boat and Rail Road Companies, to transport his supplies, at prices much less than the usual rates paid.

I apprehend that it is not the intention to distribute full rations, but only in quantity to relieve actual suffering, until this people can help themselves, or the State can assume this responsibility. For this purpose an issue of 25,000 bushels of corn and 60,000 lbs of bacon per month will be an adequate supply.

If the issue is continued in this State, and resumed in others, I recommend