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State for distribution, forty eight thousand dollars worth of corn. He also purchased through the agencies of Probate Judges and others, one thousand bushels of corn. each for ten or twelve of the needy counties. 
Large additions to the supply of food for the destitute, were made by voluntary contributions sent into the State, some to be distributed by private individuals, and others by your Commissioner under the direction of the Govenor. The Ladies Southern Relief Association of Baltimore, sending in money and provisions together about ten thousand dollars worth. The citizens of Lexington Kentucky two thousand dollars worth. 
Statements accompanying this report will show the different apportionments made, of the supplies received. Small amounts of monied contributions, have been placed in the hands of your Commissioner at different times, to be used at this discretion in relieving the distressed, amounting in the aggregate to four hundred and sixty four and 10/100 dollars. One hundred dollars of this amount was furnished to Probate Judge of Jefferson county, to aid in transporting supplies into that county. Fifty dollars was furnished the agent of Shelby county for a similar object. Forty three dollars was paid for drayage on Baltimore supplies at Columbus Geo, and twenty five and 65/ dollars for drayage at Selma on same supplies. The remainder was reserved to meet extreme cases of destitution and has aided in furnishing partial relief to fifteen families. 
So great has been the destitution in the State,