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self directed and confident in creatively planning their life's activities. This, in part, is why I thought you might be interested in the program... if you're not quite sure of a direction for yourself, this program would be (is) the place to create direction in one's life. It is not coincidental that such a program has been created by people in art-related professions, for we feel that the process in art-related professions, for we feel that the process of art-making, in its broadest sense, is a process which has much to teach about the entire process of liveing. Not every woman who comes has aspirations as an artist... we have one administrator as a student, and she is creating for herself a concept of what kind of job and life she wants to have.

Also in connection with the Workshop: We offer degrees through several schools, such as Antioch West, Goddard, Interanational Community College. Perhaps these schools, in conjunction with FSW, or [[strikethrough]]perhaps[[/strikethrough]] not, could be structured in such a way as to fulfill your needs for further stuey.

About your project per se: I've studied psychology, but don't know much about [[strikethrough]]socia[[/strikethrough]] anthropological investigations... your project sounds very interesting though. I can only think, right off hand, of one woman who would have information on witchcraft, and this would not be anthropological or socialogocal in nature... that is Z Budapest (I believe she is teaching a course in the extension program) This might be one source of information for you... there are also several feminist books which touch on the subject, as well as a group of witches in Chicago (or there was such a group, several years ago)… and several non-feminist books dealing with witchcraft. Such a review of the literature would give you a starting point. There are also occurrences of witchcraft accusations today in various primitive cultures (as well as here... last year there were several disemboweled animals found in Calif calling forth suspicious of witchcraft… and last year (in India) I remember reading of such an outbreak of witchcraft accusations. Elizabeth Janeway mentions it briefly in Man's World, Women's Place...I'm sure the sociol abstracts has an occasional article.) There is no doubt a sound basis for formulating hypotheses about witchcraft as rebellion and deviance, and I imagine enough information you would [[strikethrough]]greatly[[/strikethrough]] need to greatly limit the witchcraft during the inquisition, or today...number of countries compared, etc.

Anyway, get in touch if you might be interested in the Workshop. If you would like to get a masters for writing a study such as you suggested, you might also want to get in touch directly with Antioch West. (In Hollywood, on Sairfax ave.)


Suzanne Lacy