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May 10

[[first letter - overlapping text]]

Dear Terry,

I'm enclosing the sticker made available for me from the Art Department on the day I was ticketed by one of your officers. As I explained in our phone conversation I am a new faculty member, parttime, and was going to the office to pick up my permit when I was ticketed. I was unable to get into your office because of a conflict with my teaching hours. 

Please handle this matter for me. Thank you very much. 

Suzanne Lacy
[[/first letter - overlapping text]]

[[second letter - overlapping text]]


I feel like a total ass not answering you sooner. I've been into my own work as well as teaching quite a bit lately, and I just sat down tonight to plow throug the pile and as I reread your letter I realized I might have hung you up about making plans. 

First, for the summer session if you are interested in taking that, I've enclosed a brochure...write to the women in the program, and they could tell you want they plan for the summer. 

Second, I loved your response... it's so nice to get one which really tells [[/overlapping text with first letter]] me something about a person. Like a reward for the energy I put out into the mails, late at night, over Mary Hrtman and the late late news. Anyway painting and healing is what you would get here, along with lots of other things you and I both probalby don't even know exist yet. Each year the workshop structure changes, and has to, so we can all keep up with our own self-growth. (Did you see my course in the extension procutre, old witches new healers?) Im intersted in healing too, as are several members of the staff. Seems to connect with artmaking. And thereare several terrific women critics here to help develop your painting, with an eye to developing the ontent as well, of course!

About your degree... if you can afford it, it is possible to get a degree at Antioch while attending the workshop concurrently In fact, you get credit for attending our program, and exxentially Antioch accredits the FSW. I'll encllse degree info, in case I didn't send it to you. 

Do write back and let me know what your plans are, if you do plan on coming. If you come to town, let me know in advance and we can meet, I can give youfirst hand info. 

You'll not regret coming here, I'm sure!

In sisterhood,
[[illegible handwritten signature]]
Suzanne Lacy 

Transcription Notes:
First paragraph features overlapping text. Appears to be two letters begun on the same sheet. The longer letter is addressed to "Terry," and the content is encouraging the recipient to come to the program. The shorter letter is about a parking ticket received in error. Spelling errors preserved from original in transcription. Based on prior letter (page 43) from Jael Greenleaf, longer letter is addressed to Jael. Shorter letter (all overlapping) is addressed Dear Terry.