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Dec. 27, 1976
Dear Jaci,
How are you? I think of you often and haven't had a chance to write. I'm home in St. Louis for Christmas.

How's your job at the phone company? I hope you've been thinking more about coming to FSW next year. It was nice being able to show you around but I was disappointed that you weren't able to experience some of our larger group gatherings. I guess it was just lucky I ran into you and got to tell you a little bit about it. I'd really like it if you could come visit again and do more and meet more women this time.

It seems like FSW is just the kind of learning environment you were looking for and almost gave up on. The support is really important I find for my growth in my artwork and in moving forward in achieving my goals. I've really gotten in touch with a lot of my pain as a woman and how I really don't have much confidence in my ability to succeed. That's how I experience oppression and its really hard sometimes to work against those feelings. Being in the community has made all the difference because I can share those feelings and then get pushes in positive directions. 

When I talked with you about the schools you've gone to it sounded like you've always had a very clear picture of what you've wanted and needed. I think women often do.