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turn up will write or wire, 
Your letter of Feby 11th came to hand yesterday & I am more than thankfull for the interest you are taking with my Diary I also hope that you will succeed in making a few dollars out of it. My salary is not very large but owing to my having a good bunch of four children all working & a comfortable home, can manage to make salary do at the same time every dollar helps. Will leave all in your hand do what you think is best. I would only be too glad to sail the boat to Battle for you could it be arrainged if I could get to Battle about first week in July would be time enough for customs work. that is if I go on the same job one can never tell the state of Govt things in this Country at the present time with the amount of Graft that has been going on for the past ten years. almost makes one say that we are not fit to have a Govt everybody is getting educated to try & rob as much as he can. 
There is no doubt I made a great mistake I should have went to your Country when I came back from the Peary Arctic trip. also when I came back from landing Dr Cook at that time (that is if I could mustered up the cheek) I could have told the American people lots of things that both Peary & Cook kept away from now I have forgotten half I knew. 
Glad you have met my boy Fred as you say I am proud of him he went to New York by himself never had

been outside of Nfld & so far as I can hear in spite of a good many temptations is keeping straight & making good. sorry to say owing to our poor teachers he has not so good an Education as he should have.
We are getting our winter weather now a good bit of snow but not heavy frost lowest 4 below zero & that only for a few hours. just nice working weather if one had any work to do. I have been four weeks in the house with boils over my neck but much better now & I think they are about finished & I am not sorry. 
Must close now with best wishes to yourself & family
I remain yours truly
Moses Bartlett