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Hamilton Inlet the past year or two. 
I think it useless to talk to Jerrett about any boat he could get or build for you & the only boat he could bring on Land with his schr would be what we call a drop skiff & I can assure you rather than get that kind of a Boat it would be better to hire Mr Crouchers boat the Rose which is already at Battle Harbour & could be fitted there much cheaper & better than you can get here. Jerretts father CA Jerrett is somewhere in New York at present you may see him. but he has no boat neither can he get one built now. 
As soon as I can hear about Whelan's boat I will go & look at her but if I were in your place I would have a try for Grenfell's she is fitted & would only want a little painting, &c. 
Weather raw & wet since March came in. Easterly winds & rain snow going fast our sealing steamers leaving to day hope they will get bumper trips. 
Kind regards to all friends & yourself
from your truly
Moses Bartlett