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12 July 1971

Dear Mrs. Ullman:

It must be about the time that your birthday is coming around once more, and although I have forgotten the exact date, I want to send you my best wishes. You will be 75 this time? You are 5 years younger than I am, who will be 80 on my next one. You are so fortunate to be with your brother and all your people, and the young ones growing up around you. I hope that you are having agood [[a good]] rest from teaching now, and a good summer.

This has been a regular Louisiana summer here with 90 plus temperatures steadily and great humidity. But I spend part of my day here at the Museum which is airconditioned, and get all cooled off onthe [[on the]] bus going and coming. In my spare time I have a good vegetable garden to keep me busy hoeing. I raise squash, string and lima beans, tomatoes, corn and melons. And I have had loads of raspberries and now the blackberries are coming on, and after them the grapes will be ripening. For recreat[strikethrough]r[\strikethrough]ion I get in a daily swim at a nearby pool.

I saw Jack when he was here for his annual Physics convention in April. He said he liked teaching although this first year had been hard, and he looked forward to the long summer vacations that come with the job. Maybe he has been down to see you since, - I haven't heard from him since he was here.

Doris is apparently back to normal, but is having a hard time finding a job. I am hoping that she will be settled soon in something she likes. She is keeping in close touch with the psychiatric clinic there, apparently having great faith in the doctors who helped her. She wrote that she can go any time, either to the day clinic or the evening one, as long as she wants to. That seems to be a steadying factor for her. She doesn't write very often, but I keep in touch with her by calling her up usually every Sunday. I trust that she has gotten straightened out and will go on with her life in a better state of min[strikethrough]g[\strikethrough]d from now on.

If you think of coming for a summer trip up north again, I do hope that this time you will include a visit to me.

With my best wishes to you all,

With love,