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6 January 1970

Dear Mrs. Ullman:

Your big box arrived Saturday, Jan. 3rd, in good shape, and I opened it and found the handbag with contents of wallet and key chain for Doris, and the three smaller boxes that I did not open, 2 for Jack and 1 for Doris, and lastly my wallet.. Thank you for that. I have been using Sid's old one for my identification and car cards, which I carry when I am driving anywhere. It has become pretty shabby over the years that I have cherished it because of him. Now I have yours.

I have repacked the other things in a smaller box and as soon as I can swipe a big piece of wrapping paper (from here), I will do it up and address it to N.Y. and the children. There is "heavy snow" predicted for this afternoon and night so I may not be able to drive up to the postoffice for several days, but I will as soon as I can. I have already written to Doris to expect it. A note from her told of their safe journey back.

Yes, you and I will not retire while we are still able to carry on. If I didn't have the Museum work I should be very lonely and unhappy. But here I am with people, and occupied, and enjoying work with my beetles, turning out a paper or two a year. Before Christmas I received a letter from a Museum in Czechoslovakia, asking me to work up their collection of Cuban beetles and that will probably be my next job.

I wish you were close,- maybe you will be coming this way on your tour of New England and stop here and in New York. I usually go to Massachusetts for a week around Memorial Day or early June, and spend some time working at the Museum of Comparative Zoology- "Agassiz's Museum"- in Cambridge, and commute from Stoughton. It is always very sad for me to go back to Stoughton, where I have noone left. If you should make the tour, do by all means include a trip up through the White Mts. and along the Maine coast. The Maine coast is rocky and with fir trees and is like the coast of Sweden, if you have ever been there. It is a beautiful ride from Boston to Portland along the coast, and a beautiful ride around Mt. Desert Island (Acadia Nat. Park), farther along in Maine. I always used to take the boat to Boothbuyharbour as a youngster, going with friends to spend a couple of weeks with Uncle Dennis, (my friends' uncle) who had been a sea captain all his working life. And we children used to go swimming off that rocky shore in water that you couldn't stay in more than 10 minutes. Maine is a beautiful country. I hope you get there.

With best regards to the rest,