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June 14, 1940

Dear Doris,

At last I am getting around to writing.  When I received your letter March 15 I started a letter the ferry soon afterward but it didn't get finished then so it never was.  I also received your card written in Florida.  I hope you had a nice trip.  Please tell me about it.  When I got your letter yesterday I was just going to write one to you.

I think you are rather lucky to [[STRIKETHROUGH]]be[[//STRIKETHROUGH]] already be out

can't speak a word of English.  We have all been playing games with them after school.  As one of the neighbors said, "children don't need a language to play."  I think he was right.  We did everything with signs and motions.  I think they will learn English very fast.  The whole family seems to be very nice.  They came from Oslo, Norway.

I hope very much I can come this summer.  If I can't I hope you will stop here on your way to Mass. and possibly you could stay with us a few days and go later on the bus or train.

Your Friend 


[[MARGIN]] P.S. Your pets sound very interesting.  I am sure I would like to see them.  I had some salamanders for a while but then I let them go.  They are very abundant in a woods near our house.  They are under almost every rock, so when I get some room for them and mother stops being afraid of them I can easily get more.[[//MARGIN]]