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[[3 images]]
[[caption 1]]
Mr. Williams' Labrador cabin located on one of the rivers where salmon abound.
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[[caption 2]] Sir Wilfred Grenfell, the Good Samaritan of all Labrador, examining a patient
[[/caption 2]]

[[caption 3]]
One of the Labrador rivers from which Mr. Williams took toll.  He is shown seated on the rocks at the foot of the falls.
[[caption 3]]

with the outside world from December to April or May, except by wireless.
Good weather attended us all along the Nova Scotia coast.  I spent two days at Halifax, renewing pleasant acquaintances made on previous visits.  When I anchored in what is called the "North Arm" of the harbor, where there are many summer residences, a lady came alongside the "Karluk" in a boat rowed by her son and said that, seeing the name Hartford on the "Karluk's" stern she could not resist the temptation to row off and speak to me, as she was born and brought up in Hartford.  She had married an army officer who was stationed in Halifax.  
The remainder of my return voyage was without material event, and on the 22nd of September, just three months from the date on which I had left home, the "Karluk" came to anchor at Thomaston, Maine, where she had sail fifteen months previous, and where she is now, I hope, resting up for another voyage to Labrador.