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weeks search we finally moved to 701 So. Gramercy Dr. and so far have been very comfortable.

About three weeks ago I presented your letter to Dr. Bowles and I must say that I like him very, very much. Personally as well as professionally.  Of course he was much interested in hearing about you and the cruise, and I know he envied our many experiences. As to the work he is doing for me- he has taken out two old fillings and put in inlays.  I have lost an upper left molar (second from the back) and today the little yellow, lower front one that you were suspicious of comes out. Am also being treated for incipient pyorrhea and that is coming along nicely as I am to have only four or five more treatments.

Poor Mrs. Weir is losing six but so far is standing up under it well. And that is that, so won't bore you any more with my troubles. 

As to what happened on the cruise after you went off and left us has probably been told you by "Capt." Perkins and I am sure that I could not improve upon his description. As for me, I must say that the long wait at Unalask was rather deadly. Rain, sleet and snow almost every day and it raised particular h- with my arm.