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It seemed as if I could not get a real nights sleep and most of the time I could hardly get my clothes on and off.

However, I far from regret sticking it out as we made the run to the Pribilofs and even though we were here too for sixty hours, the sight of the seals, to me was very wonderful and the jaunt was north all the uncomfortable features.

The trip home along the Peninsula and Inside Passage was truly magnificent and I thought of you many times and wished that you were with us.

Did nothing in the way of picture taking after you left us owing to weather conditions. Coming home the few I took were long shots with a lot of haze and as they did not turn out well I am not sending any along. 

The Shipper and Mrs. J come through here on their way to Agua Caliente and spent Christmas night with us. Didn't see them on the way back as they were in a hurry. 

About two weeks ago the Northland started for Lower California, but her orders were changed and she went up and did some ice breaking in the Columbia Basin. More in her line I should think.