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Your idea for a complete syllabus is an excellent one. I am going to suggest the name of one man here in the west whom I think can be decidedly helpful to you and who is usually very splendid in his cooperation. I refer to Ben Lischer at the University of California. He is now giving all his time to teaching. He not only handles the undergraduate work, but at the present time has ten graduate students in his institution. Outside of this one instance I am at the loss to suggest a name here in the west. You are better acquainted with the eastern and the middle western men and therefore, know who can e considered as a real qualified teacher. 

Abe Hoffman seems to Abe taking quite a stir at Northwestern and I will watch his results with interest. Whether he has the sound judgment and Orthodontic knowledge essential for real success is a matter which you are in a far position to judge than I am.

Do you happen to know of an Orthodontic teacher of big calaber who might want to come to California to take charge of our undergraduate and graduate work in Orthodontia at the University of Southern California. Should you know of such a man I should like to have to have your confidential appraisal of him and also what you feel he might be willing to accept in the way of salary for full time participation.

You will soon be leaving for the Arctic, so let me wish you Bon Voyage and a pleasant and interesting summer. Please convey my best wishes to Mrs. Waugh and tell her I am still carrying the little brown lock of hair but only display it when evil and designing men have placed me under the compelling influence of "demon rum".

Cordially yours