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together with eskimoes. I found the coast very interesting and we made good huntings and fishing there. 

Telling you this as I remember you told me of a trip you made up there in a small boat.

Well, Dr. Waugh, I know you are interested in sailing up in vast and unknown regions, and hereby I beg to ask you if you are interested in sailing the WW.-pasages this summer.
I believe and mean that this can be done easily in one season if having a suitable litle ship. My proposal is to use a 100-120 tons ship, the draught not to exeed 8 feet. The engine 80-100 H.P.

Such a ship can be buildt rather cheap here in Norway, and I mean this sice [[size]] should give good rom [[room]] for a party beside a crew of 4.

Concerning halibut-fisheri in the David-streat [[Davis Strait]] I can tell you that it is money in that banck, besides fishing halibut it is a tremendous quantity of crawfish.  

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