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Wales, Alaska, February 15, 1934.

Dear Doctor Waugh:

Thank you for the greeting which came last month.  It looks like a place where I used to skate and I have enjoyed looking at it.  I had such a good time when I was growing up I always enjoy being reminded of it.  And, then, its heart warming to know our freinds think of us.  Thanks for that assurance.

I hope you won't object to a typed note.  We expected the mail carrier back from Shishmaref this noon but a south wind of quite some strength arrived first.  We are watching the storm out of one eye and trying to get the last few things done up "in case Pete does arrive" and watching the other windows with the other eye. Therefore, do not expect too much from my Corona this time. 

Our Board wants to open our mission on St. Lawrence Island this year and I am the one who may go there.  Since I was at Barrow I have hoped to get to that island sometime and now it may be possible, if the Presbyterians will help out.  At present I think little is decided.  When Miss Komedal left Barrow last spring some woman was interested in her and offered to pay the expense, or at least much of it, and Miss Komedal was to go to the Island last fall.  Some doctor in Seattle examined her and said she was not in fit condition to go there.  Dr. Greist worried about her for some time before she went Out, fearing T.B. but a doctor in Fairbanks assured her she did not have it and put her on a pneumonia case.  Now it seems the kind lady with money has lost her interest in the mission at Gambel, so the Board is busy again in its behalf. 

I hope to go Out in April for the summer and return in September.  I have no home but I call Wisconsin (Green Bay) home and in the January mail an aunt living in Baraboo, Wisconsin, wrote that last summer it was 116 a few times and around 100 many times.  Do you wonder that I am not very eager to go there after being up here where it is delightful in the summer and early fall?  But no active white person can ever get a real rest in an Eskimo village and I know I need a change, which always brings me the relaxation that I need.  Out I go. 

 -  -  -  -  *   *   *   *

Much later.  A traveling nurse, Miss Keaton, who has been at Shishmaref since the last of Nov. is now here.  She heard that I am going Out in spring, so she decided to come to Wales while I am here and she came with the mail carrier about three oclock.  Now I'll be a busy woman and no more visiting with the friends of the homeland. 

With best wished to you and hoping that the New Year will be very generous with its blessings and success and give you many of both, I am

Sincerely yours,
Ann Bannon

P.S. In July I sent you some more ivory and I wonder if you received the box. If not, I can probably have it traced. 

Transcription Notes:
. The mess in the "Much later" paragraph seems to be "last 1st"...seems like lst was made out of the word last but both words were intended