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November 21, 1934

Mrs. Lulu Heron
Bethel, Alaska

Dear Mrs. Heron: 

In the first place, kindest wishes to you and to Miss Martin for the coming holidays and New Years.

In the second place, I should like to introduce to you herewith Doctor L.M. Waugh, Professor of Dentistry at Columbia University.  He has, I think, already written to you regarding his intention, at my advice, to visit you next summer and to devote the season, on one hand, to the study of the teeth and jaws of the natives along the lower river, and on the other hand, to helping the natives without charge with such dental attention as may be called for.

Doctor Waugh is a very pleasant man and you will like him.  He wants to see especially the more primitive parts of your population.  Please tell your people, and when the Doctor comes I am sure you will help him as much as may be possible.  His work will be very much more thorough than that of your last visitor and ought to do some good.  Do not mind my sending these men to you.  It shows you how much I think of you.

I have returned from Kodiak Island with large and highly interesting collections, but will have to go once more next year, when I hope to finish the work on the island.

Have had not news from you for a long time; but trust to soon receive a letter.

Sincerely yours,
Curator, Division of
Physical Anthropology
