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[[image]] UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1790  SEMPER PRARTUS - logo [[/image]]
[[strikethrough]] NORTHWESTERN DIVISION [[/strikethrough]]
Seattle Division


27 November, 1934.

Dr. L. M. Waugh,
School of Dental and Oral Surgery,
630 West 168th Street,
New York, N. Y.

My dear Dr. Waugh:

Your welcome letter of November 22nd received yesterday. I was very glad to hear from you and receive the greetings of Commander and Mrs. Jones; also from yourself and family. I am delighted to hear that you are making plans for a trip to Alaska next spring, and please be assured that I shall render you all the assistance possible and act as your agent in Seattle in making your preparations for passage, also in regard to obtaining a proper boat for the expedition.

You have an excellent advisor in Dr. Hrdlicka, as he has had considerable experience in the Territory of Alaska. Only last summer I furnished him transportation on one of our patrol boats from Seattle to Seward on account of the longshoremen's strike tieing up the regular steamship transportation. I believe the patrol boat MORRIS landed Dr. Hrdlicka and party somewhere on Kodiak Island. 

Your brief description of the cabin cruiser you have in mind sounds practical to me and upon receipt of the plans and specifications for the boat I will be pleased to obtain estimates for building same from reputable small boat builders here in Seattle. So far two boat builders have been recommended, namely; George Mcatteer, 725 12th Avenue, Seattle and Old Magnussen, Bell Shipbuilding Company, Seattle. No doubt, by the time I receive your plans and specifications I shall have other boat builders lined up in order that you may obtain some competition so far as the price is concerned.

In regard to your transportation to the Kuskokwim, I have made inquiries and find that the S.S. TUPPER is scheduled to sail from Seattle on the 10th of May and 10th of August next. The trip requires about 14 days. The Santa Ana Steamship Co.,