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[[note]] Recd- 1-3-35 [[/note]]

Seattle, Washington
December 17, 1934.

L. M. Waugh,
Professor of Dentistry,
Director Orthodontic Clinic,
Columbia University,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:

Answering your communication of November 19, I would advise as follows:

The sailing dates of the S.S. Tupper from Seattle are May 10 and August 25.  She requires approximately two weeks to reach Bethel by the outside route.

We have no boats visiting this region.  However, I believe that it will be possible for you to charter a boat at Bethel upon your arrival there, and you would likely want a native familiar with the river to act as a guide.

In your letter, you speak of covering the country between Bethel and Hooper Bay.  Hooper Bay can be reached by small boat from the mouth of the Yukon River and small boats can also be secured to go from there to Nelson Island and Nunivak Island.  In my opinion, except for the feature of living on the boat, you would be far better off to rely on chartered boats for these trips working from a base camp.

You will be able to make all the stops mentioned in your letter by plane and in my opinion, this would be the most practical and economical way to cover the country after taking your supplies and equipment on the Tupper as far as Bethel.  I am presuming, of course, that your equipment will not exceed from five to six hundred pounds.

I would suggest that you write to several of the airplane companies in Alaska, the names of which you should be able to secure from the Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C.

Very truly yours,
Leonard G. Wingard

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