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The Sermon
We live in two universes: the universe of common sense in which we come in contact with things by our senses, and the universe of revelation with which we come in contact by faith.

In common sense universe the faculty required is intellectual curiosity -
When we enter the domain from which Jesus talks -universe of revelations - intellectual curiosity is ruled out and moral obedience takes the absolute place.
Our Lord teaches a complete reversal of all our practical sensible reasonings.
If you want to be of use get rightly related to Jesus Christ and He will make you of use unconsciously [[crossed out]] isly [[crossed out]] every moment you live, the condition is believing in Him.
The man who trusts Jesus Christ in a definite practical way is freer than anyone else to do his work in the world. Free from fret and worry he can go with absolute certainty into the daily life because the responsibility of his life is not on him but on God.
If once we accept the revelation of Jesus Christ that God is our Father and that we can never think of anything He will forget, worry becomes impossible.