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Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

Mourning or sorrow is not in itself a good thing for God wants everyone 
to experience happiness and joyous success -
Jesus says "I am come that they might have life and that they might 
have it more abundantly."
Yet trouble & suffering are often 
extremely useful.
hence many people will not bother to learn the Truth until driven to do so by 

sorrow & failure. 
There is really no need for man to have trouble if he would only seek 
God first the trouble need never [[occur?]].
One has the choice of learning by spiritual enfoldment or of learning 
by painful experience
The Divine Power really is the Source of man's supply and all material agents but the channels
Get right on the supply 
question - 
Those with wealth should acknowledge God as their true Source

Transcription Notes:
faint writing