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Dr. George H. Bunch
1404 Laurel Street
Columbia, S.C.
Dec. 28, 1906

To whom it may concern:
This is to certify that I have known Dr. Matilda Evans and her work in Columbia for severalyears. [[several years]] She is a most capable woman and one with less perseverance and will would long ago have given up in despair of establishing a hospital for Negro patients in Columbia. Her efforts in behalf of such and institution have been untiring. For years she was unaided, running the Taylor Lane Hospital and Training School for Nurses with money made in her private practice. The Taylor Lane is the only hospital in Columbia where Negro patients are receivev. [[received]] Being on the operating staff I know personally that patients from all over South Carolina and several adjoining states are treated there. Any assistance that is rendered Dr. Evans in an unselfish effort for the betterment of here race, will I am sure, will be appreciated by the Medical profession of the state and by all right thinking people everywhere- white or black.
George Bunch M.D.