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April so we are trying to get saccarine [[saccharine]] but find it pretty scarce. we were lucky to get another ton of coal Thursday so now we are well fixed through the year. 

Blanche Hammond came here yesterday she got through at the public library & took up nursing over there in the rest home. now she finds it too hard & has given her notice there to leave & has decided that it is not congenial. she has got enough money & don't need to work. she has sold her little house for $10000 & saved up money besides her son in law has told her at anytime she can live with him since his wife died. she was her daughter.  he is only too good to her & he has two little boys & son of John Woods wife or brother I guess it is a good man Blanche is hard to live with I never liked her our electric light may be turned off the oil heat didn't go on last night & every thing was cold this morning but later on they turned it on so the fire in our kitchen stove felt good what will come next? Well this is all today