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Stoughton November 24th 1946

Dear Doris

Thanks be to day is warmer, after a cold day & night with a North West wind. did you see the eclipse of Saturday? we had the sun thought the day but [[Brochton?]] it was clouded in as the moon sailed over. I guess Doris & her crowd were glad to get under cover after being exposed to the wind in the open watching the foot ball game it didn't get through 'till late. Mrs Barry was listening in as her husband was a yale [[Yale]] man San glad they won we were waiting long after eight O'clock for Doris when about that time she called us upon the telephone saying it was so late she had decided not to come out but would come next weekend. So then I went to bed & thought she was wise. I hope she didnt [[didn't]] get a cold, as there was a terrible drop in the temperature from Friday morning. we turned on the head towards night so to warm up the house & even so it was a hard night to get through at 9 O'clock this morning it was freezing outside. now I hope its going to warm up.

They have a bonfire over on the hospital grounds I can see it from my front chamber window where my writing is going on guess they