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must be burning leaves. Well we called up Kimptes in the nick of time. he finished his work Friday morning just as it begun to rain & if it hadn't rained he said he would have had us come over to see it.

I dont know what the Bruce boys name is but still find out the next time she pays her rent. I think he had cheek to put up that little building on our lot without asking our consent the land will hold it.

Addie Washington has had a heart attack & so the minister (Mr Bradner) offered up prayers for her this morning in church. she goes to church here occasionally.

It is clouding up it must be a change in temperature. we could appreciate it if the day turns out a little warmer. its now getting a little cooler up where I am writing. We have ordered a small turkey for our Thanksgiving. we dont know whether Doris will be out or not she spoke of coming this weekend. Mrs Barry made a great preparation for her this week & she didn't come. if she comes next Saturday, there will be plenty of our turkey left for her then. she made a chocolate cake so that we have on hand.

I guess it was lucky they turned off the water in the Ballantine house. otherwise their pipes must have suffered from this cold spell. hope it didn't reach down there so suddenly. well this all I can think of now. hope you got the apron package all right
love Ma