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Stoughton June 19th 1946

Dear Doris: This is a very sunny day after our stormy day of yesterday. She went down to the Beauty Parlor yesterday in a pouring rain and got thoroughly drenched. so after she got there, she had to take off her shoes & stockings & dry them under the dryer & then get the sleves of her coat dry. but coming back home she managed to get a ride with Dora O'Hara. arriving around five o'clock. it was clearing then. it poured. rain came down in torrents, it seemed good for gardens that had just been planted. my tomatoes had just been set out & Pete stayed out planting his field until driven in by the rain. I had just cut up some wood for to kindle up the fire, but had to put it near the fire to dty. most of the thunder storm went around & I was glad it did. most of my roses are blooming & my peonies & all in bloom but the storm bent them down so one cant see them. the sun I guess will right them up to day perhaps.