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This afternoon she has gone over to see her dentist about her under set of teeth. they arrived yesterday afternoon while she was downtown. he sent them by mail in a little box & they dont fit her. she has thought all along she would have trouble with her lower ones & feels sorry she had them out.the upper set never bothered her.
 I had a nice card from her sister Josephine saying she enjoyed her visit with us it cost Ms. Barry a lot & she hasn't got over the affects of it yet they don't get along well together. we never intend having her again. although she treated me all right. I never took to her but never showed how I felt towards her.   I am glad you are going out occasionally. they are good for all of you and seem like you used to do before the war I was glad to read Amys letter the poor girl is having a hard life since she lost her husband, & hope her daughter gets over her crazy spells. Helen Metcalf died of cancer all through her system. she is the last of her race & on the fathers side was related to us. Uncle Newton Talbot was a distant cousin. he was the one who left them their money. Mrs Johnson her grandmother was his sister & he had two other sisters. Well now I will call this all. Love Ma