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We never know when we are safe. Mrs Barry says hearafter she is going to have her bottle of Ammonia sit beside of her & Gertrude said thats a good idea. we are now going to keep our doors locked in the daytime as well as nights.

 Mr Turner came over Thursday with two boxes of tomatoes & set them out after spading up the ground. I paid him & then gave him something to eat with a cup of tea to drink. he set out the tomatoes I had planted also. they had grown too gandering but they may do well & root into the ground all along. they lay down on the ground. I went out this noon to look at them & they hadn't wilted they look very thrifty. he said that he would come up later on to put on the fertilizer. 

I got my lawn mowed again that same day & hope the grass dont grow so fast. we have so many rains the foliage is far ahead from what it was last year. 

Norma Lainey was at church to day & looked very funny with all her teeth out. she was not in the choir. Mrs Swanson asked Mrs Barry if her sister was her age & Mrs Barry said she was three years younger. she said "well she looks 10 years older". that was what I told her. Mrs Barry bought everything out of her money for her to eat & still couldn't please her. 

The limbs were broken off the tree that hung over the porch. there is a big hole in screen of that same window you & Doris mended last summer. I don't know whether we can get any more screen wire this year or not I have been mending the screen in our front door. love Ma