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time we never know what it is till he brings it along Saturday. so far he has looked out for us pretty well. he marks our name on the package & sets it aside.
The Silvers put out their little Goat on the Stand pipe hill tie him to a stake and lets him eat the grass. it looks odd since they  sawed down the hedge I think it got winterkilled. there is a little of it left under the front window. I think they have sold their little puppies. there are plenty of cats running around their yard.
Last Thursday was Chitataubut day. she went early as she was one of the hostesses & they had a wonderful time. they had a lot of the old fashioned made ice cream & she brought some home to me, as there was a little left & it tasted mighty good.
There is going to be a wedding next to the youngest Goward girl. she works in the woolens factory down town & is going to marry a soldier boy out of town. no one we know & ther son just home from the army is also to marry. he is working also, goes somewhere all day & home late at night.
It seems good to have it pleasant so I can go out around the yard to see my flowers blooming. my lettuce did not come up but there are lots of the little blue violet & that blue running vine all around in the back yard, it spreads all over everything. Love Ma
hope you are well & dont work too hard.