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Stoughton May 5th 1946

Dear Doris

A cold storm settled in during the night which bids fair to extend all day into the night. We need the moisture for vegetations & a guard against so many woods fires. so far we have had but few rainy days.

Hazel Drake has just been over to pay her rent. she was very nice today. so we asked her about Kimptis he told her we sent him over to do some work & he did what he could remember we read to him from your letters & said he guessed the rest would remain till you came up as the house would stand up and not fall down till then he is busy clear up to his neck now. Last fall he could have done it. I am glad he took time off to fix our front porch before any body broke their neck it certainly was a dangerous place & we knew it after he tore into it & saw the boards underneath they were all to pieces. 

She went down to Florence Hickeys last Friday afternoon & her husband came after her then brought her home again. She was telling him about Sidney's not being able to get tires for his car when he took his trip down to Florida & Albert said tell him that I can get him a plenty when he comes up here North & if he ever wants to sell his house