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Stoughton May 2nd 1946

Dear Doris
As I am here alone theres nothing else to do so will write my letter to you & hope you get rested from your trip South.
This is the nicest day we have had yet 70° out on the porch. The lilies are coming on beds are showing & pear trees in bloom, apple blossoms just started, & hope the freeze didn't injure them. Cranberries were saved by flooding I hear. April was a very cold & disagreeable month it was good to see it ended.

No wonder the old cat showed affection after his two weeks confinement. we really think he also was glad when you returned to let him out of the cellar.

Mrs Barry has gone down to the movies & pay my telephone bill. Winnie was going down to take Richard he goes three times each week. They give Edith the best rooms in the house & she is boss over the whole household. she wont let any one touch the baby, & it is crying a greater part of the time. I guess it doesn't have the right kind of food. she ought to be by her self but she is very particular & cant find the right kind of an apartment. her mother wont always be here she is poor in health so is