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Stoughton Match 27th 1946

Dear Doris

The month seems to be out very mild & spring like. it seems more like April with its showers although its quite windy by spells & has been all through the winter.
For a change, I went out a little while after dinner & raked a few leaves thinking this wind might blow them down street, & so get rid of them.
Mrs. Barry has gone to get her permanent set. they set to day the time to get them. she likes the dentist & when she sat down in the chair for him to examine them had no notion of his going to extract. he had them all out & she knew nothing about it & was more than surprised to find them all out, when she came to herself.   

I was greatly surprised to have Charles family walk in on us Sunday. he seems to have recovered from his broken ankle well. they never asked Gladys to ride home with them & didn't know she was here. I guess his second wife dont intend to adopt her. its a pity she never had a home of her own. Charley seems to take more comfort with this wife than he ever did with