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Blanche Hammond came and stayed to supper that ended the day so I went to bed.

Stoughton March 24th 1946

Dear Doris

We are still having nice pleasant weather & not very cold. we are glad to get rid of snow & the slippery going. I think this winter has been very bad & the warm weather wont come too soon, so the buds on fruit trees wont get any set back.

I am waiting for the paper boy to bring along our Sunday Post. he comes around ten O clock. and takes the ten cent piece I put out on the doorsill. so then, we dont have to watch at the window for him.

I am going to start a wash. its so pleasant. there are not many things to do & perhaps if I wait till tomorrow, the day wont be so pleasant.

I went out the back door this morning. for something & so I started to come back in, a little half grown kitten followed me back into the house. we gave it something to eat in a saucer. he seemed to be hungry. then laid down under the stove & purred & washed up his face. perfectly at home. I got up & he followed me through the house. I opened the front door & tried to get rid of him & finally did. but it was hard work. I thought of Lanky Tom. he this cat was black & white & well marked. had a white nose & mouth.