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The Goward boy who was in the war, is living at home. I think he is working. he has a car & goes away daytimes. Mrs Ballantine says they are expecting to sell their house. we see lots of people here looking at it. but guess they want a big price for it & now where houses are scarce. they may strike the right party.

It is so pleasant that all the people have gone to church in the neighborhood. Mrs Barry finally decided she would & its most time for her to be home. it seems good to go outside this nice spring weather, after being shut in so long.

I am making those curtains you spoke of in your letter. just got them cut out now & they are ready to stitch on the machine will finish them by tomorrow or next day.

The little corner store keeps open all day Sundays they keep lots of things there & it is going to be handy to trade there, children get candy there, ice cream they sell. we havent traded there yet. I hear Mary McGarvey goes there a lot to trade. they go to her church. the man is lame I believe.

Gladys walked in just as we sat down to dinner & after wards Charley & wife & three of his neighbors they have just left around four O'clock. Charley has gotten over his accident & works every day. he lost three weeks but got pay I suppose from the company. being such a pleasant day, they thought they would take advantage of the weather so came. Gladys has just gone down to Alices now
love Ma