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Stoughton March 21st 1946

Dear Doris

We are having beautiful Spring weather & nice moonlight nights while sifting my ashes today I heard a little cat bird singing in the trees back of the house.  they say the frogs are peeping thou I have not heard them & the geese are coming in flocks overhead.  my snow drops & crocus are in full bloom & spice bush is full of buds.

All day I was raking up my leaves around the yard & I asked Pete McGarvey if he thought it safe for me to burn them.  he said he would come over & touch them off after dinner.  so about three o'clock, he came & we had a great illumination.  he was good to do that for me Jackie came also & he looks bad.  he gets out of school around on o'clock.  I dont think he is in for a very long life, as he is losing weight fast.

Mrs. Barry went down with Richard yesterday afternoon to see moving pictures & called it extra good "next to Heaven" I believe was the title Richard didn't enjoy it so left before the show was over, as he is more fond of a different picture.  Edith Rose was sick with grief