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she didn't have to wait long so now she can pay for the permanent set $87. is what she got & wasn't she more than pleased.

With that stamp you sent us for sugar & with one we had. we got two five lb packages of sugar yesterday. I hope you didnt rob yourself.

Now the sun is shining out & guess my clothes on the line will dry. I dont care to leave them on the line out side all night.

To day is St Patricks day they were celebrating last night in Boston, firing rockets. it woke me up with the noise. I didn't know they were celebrating the night before.

We heard that Bertha Greene had got the old Womans pension. Blanche Hammond told us when she was here last week. I guess she is living over in Aron where she was born. I am glad. she has been a hard working citizen & deserves it, if any body does.

The frost is coming out from the ground these days & trucks are getting stuck. so they have to be dug out in the neighborhood over to the tenement house one got into the mud so, it was half an hour before they could start it. I hope you have got cool enough to last you. we have. but the post office & Bank people they were unable to supply these strikes are terrible. it seems theres everything to worry about war & strikes & food shortages. hope your union suits arrived tomorrow I will be busy raking leaves if the weather is pleasant. my corn beef & cabbage will taste good tomorrow for dinner before she goes after her teeth.
Love Ma