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Stoughton March 5th 1946

Dear Doris
A cool wind but very sunny most of our snow has disappeared + our lilacs are just showing their buds. we hear the robins but not the frogs as most of the brooks are frozen over. althoug [[although]] Springs [[Spring]] seems to be in the air.
Mrs Barry took a walk yesterday in the afternoon she went to Mrs Legards first down on the corner below Welches she lost her husband last month + is a cousin of Mrs Williams she came to my party two years ago + is a nice woman. with a plenty of money. then she went + called on Bertha Longdon she lives at the next house below + from there she called on Maude she found her very much improved. she walks a little every day + she does have Dr Farley + tells how nice he is. we knew that, for he is Mrs Barrys doctor. then she went down to the little corner store + traded we needed bread. she got a loaf of bread + a bag of flour. + could have got some sugar but we had used up all our coupons. they sell ice cream a lot of it to the children. I guess they are making a success of it already, as most all the neighbors trade there.
Today is Ash Wednesday + she will go down to night at 7 O'clock + after the services they will