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have choir rehearsal & her church will unite with Laura Gebhartds choir to practice under Mr Reynolds drillings. I guess Laura is too busy with Normas babie to come down to her church choir, so late at night. so she want Frank Reynolds to have charge of them. its just as well. they always have to wait for them to get through their services, before they begin.
Normas babie they say is very long with long fingers and long toes and I should think they would be afraid he would turn out to be a giant. they are going to take Mrs Barry up to see it soon she dont care about seeing the baby. but would like to see the present she gave to him so she gave Laura the money to pick out the present they wanted and were all very much pleased with what they got. they say the present is very lovely.
By the way Maude tells how good Doris has been to write to her every week. so you see how she appreciates your letters. she seems awful happy over there at the hospital, the food she says is very good they have to look out for her eating candy she craves of their Dr says not to let her eat too much. I guess it would upset her stomach & bring on another shock.
The woman who runs the hospital is Dr Brides sister. she sent word to me their father celebrated his 88th birthday this week & she said tell me she had wanted to get over here to see me so much, but was so busy she hadn't seen the time. well will stop now. love ma.