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                       Stoughton March 3rd, 1946

Dear Doris
Our snow is still with us after last nights rain but this morning it was more spring like. we heard our first robin yesterday + also today + the temperature is in the 50ies I guess spring is not far off. I have planted my tomatoes + they have been up for the last two weeks. I have given them a good sunny place in the bay window + they are looking quite thrifty hope they do better than last year for they were started early last month there are over two dozen. 

I have just been out the back way getting in some wood but had to dig it up from under the snow. it hadn't melted out the back way. in a day or two, if this weather holds good it may. 

She has been to church + saw Laura who told her she was going to have 25 people to dinner all of their own folks to celebrate Norma's husbands home coming from the army + she is coming after Mrs Barry if the weather holds good soon, to take her up to see Norma's baby. she married Jimmie Bubel he was a nice young man but a Catholic that was a great blow to their family they had to be married by a Catholic Priest. the more united a couple are in the religious belief, they happier they are I am sure.