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& I dont have to worry. I hope it rains so the snow will melt. We have had lots of icy going & read of a great many accidents in the papers.

Myrtle Gilcher said her son came home from the army and brought a little dog & they have already got very much attached to him. They say her son is very much improved. the army made a man of him he eats more hartily [[heartily]]. all the time he was growing up his mother didn't believe in giving hearty food so he grew up very pindling. he is living very different & makes a good strong boy, since he lived away from his mother. 

Laura brought us another dozen of eggs today very cheap .35 she pretends they are cracked we fail to see where in they are so. she is going to get Mrs Barry & carry her home to see Normas baby. she says Jimmie her husband, is coming home, now he has got his discharge from the army. I think he has been in the hospital. the cords in the liver were injured am afraid its something he will never get over.

I hope Doris had her good time to the school dance & had the supper afterwards. she is at the age now when these times are fully enjoyed. Funny about the way they dressed I dont believe many enjoyed such an outfit. they must have looked very comical. Well its getting too cold up here in the front chamber to write any longer so I will go down & make up the fire in the little stove & read my paper