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Stoughton February 20th 1946

Dear Doris.

Another snowstorm when we woke up early this morning we foun the ground covered with about four inches of snow. this time it come too damp to be swept so the first boys who came with their shovels, we let them make us a good path to the front door as the steps were all we wanted to tackle. now its trying to clear off.

Well yesterday was my birthday + I had Georgie Perkins + Bertha Longdin. they came after three O'clock. after that I thought no one else would come so late + had just put on my teapot to eat my supper but thank goodness I hadn't got any father, when who should come into the porch door but Myrtle Gilcher, with her big Coffy cake, she had been waiting for the car for hours. to come down to my birthday. she never forgets me. she stayed till most dark + then the telephone rang + this time it was Irma Wayland. she said she would be here in fifteen minutes then Gertrude Ballantine came in another true friend + they stayed till after nine O'clcok. Mrs Barry turned all their attention to my dress then she thought it was so