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get any more snowstorms. we have had enough. it does seem good to have such a pleasant day. so spring like.

I had a birth day card from Miss Schuber and also a valentine. she is very faithful to her friends.

I am reading those little books you sent in the box. my eyes get used up if I read too long so have to be careful. we only have our papers + thats about enough reading for my eyes to stand.

Laura brought to church our eggs. we have them every other week they are fresh laid + very fine. you can depend on the. she is coming down to get her soon to see Normas baby. they say its a very pretty baby + they worship it. We have just had our dinner Oyster stew, with tomatoes cut up raw + chocolate pudding. I was hungry + being late 1 o'Clock it tasted good. my breakfasts are simple + dinner late on Sundays make me hungry when I get them.

Friday night after going to bed in the middle room, where I have slept all winter. the wind blew so hard + the windows rattles, so I knew I wouldn't get much sleep. so I got up + went into the front chamber, after taking all my bed clothes off my bed + making up the other one in there, everything was peaceful + warm so then I went to sleep + had a grand sleep uninterrupted. we have had lots of wind all winter. I hope you are warm down there
Well guess this is all. Love Ma.