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Monday was zero temperature

Stoughton February 3rd 1986

Dear Doris,
A very sunny day after a clearing windy night. 7° above zero. we are thankful for the sun its very icy going lots of accidents the radio says
She went to church after sanding the front walk. hope she gets home without another fall. there is just enough snow on the ground to make it very slippery & the temperature is such it doesn't thaw freezes instead.
I have just hung my clothes out on the porch & they froze stiff before I came in. its will make them all the whiter. I then went down cellar & split up and old barrel and a few old pieces of wood for kindlins. the wood outside is covered with snow & ice, I don't go out this icy going. we shall be glad when this winter is over, a very hard season they all say. Mrs. Barry has not stepped her foot out since last Sunday when they all went to the Attleborough consert. Mr & Mrs Bradner took her along in their car & got home at 1/2 past 10 O'clock. I was ever so glad when she landed safe it was awful going & has been all winter after each snow storm. the insurance man came to see her just before she got home & was glad when she arrived the door was unlocked so he brought the