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a lot of advice about Dot so I'm encouraged to say some more things. At the first sign of temper on your part I'll stop. Now about rickets! maybe you know & maybe you dont that rickets can show up in other parts of the bony structure besides the legs & cause deformity in varying degrees. And some children have it that are exposed to the sun shine too. Blanch's little grand daughter has one leg badly bowed & the other some what & she has had sun baths & cod liver oil since she was a month or two old. Baby specialists seem to agree that all babies, breast fed or not, should have cod liver oil as well as sun baths because there seems to be in some families [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] strong "rickety" inheritence. Then too there are many brands of cod liver oil which have very little anti rachitic properties. You waste money if you but one of those. But if she were mine I'd certainly give her a good cod liver oil. I suppose you give her orange juice & spinach juice dont you? They have learned a lot