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Ralph he told you of our plan to come east has'nt he?  I dont know how soon it will be. Fate has a way of stepping in & taking things out of my hands. I was glad of the baby's picture. I have two of her now. She is very cunning we think. Dont call it temper Doris. Its nerves when babies are so - well so demonstrative shall we say. Children of some races - savage races dont do that way. Probably someone in the family Sidney I imagine is amusing themselves with her at her expense. Most people can never leave a baby in peace. Thy have to talk to it & tickle it & do some thing to attract its attention & its too jazzy a life for their little brains & they get nervous & then people call it temper. In the days when babies were'nt such a novelty & people had less time to make play things out of them, babies and children were not so excitable I have'nt raised a dozen but i've had the use of my eyes & ears for a good many years & have been tremendously interested in the care & training of children & God gave me