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[10 Sept 1928]

Dear Sidney,

I'm owing you a letter and not owing Doris one so I'll write to you. You referred to the baby as Dot is that a temporary or a pseudonym or what. Is it spelled right? I hav'nt any dictionary now. Do tell me what you are going to name it. We are crazy to see her and hope we will sometime. My letter to you must have reached you about the time I received yours. I had a funny experience before we left Larch St. before we left. I was sitting out in the back yard one after noon near the cellar door way which was closed. I heard a queer noise something like a loud groan – very close it seemed I decided after lurking around it must have been the children playing in the drive. After a few minutes it came again. No children around. Seemed to be in my house. I hesitated quite a bit about going in Egbert was away and the doors had both been unlocked so any one could have gone