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Dear children big & little,

Probably you are back in Washingotn by this time or rather in Virginia for I suppose Doris wont be away from home much this winter. So the baby has the colic the poor little tyke. what is causing it. Have you found out yet & stopped it. Its hard on all three of you is'nt it. Maude sent me a picture she took of you three. The baby looked very cunning indeed Doris looked as if she had grown a little stouter & Sidney as if he were wearing the same "cloes" he wore out here, & the trousers I suppose are still too loose in the waist for the poor boy. I'm afraid Doris that the silk waist I sent you did not fit, but when your were out here my blouse fitted you so well I thought it was safe to send you one. Let me know because if I send you any more "cloes" I want to get the right size I used to call it "cloes," I believe We like it here where we are very much indeed. Guess I told you so before didn't