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that Ralph feels very weary at their trying to take care of themselves - and not letting anyone do anything for them It's too bad. I don't know just how soon we can get away now. We were planning on going the last of this month but I've lost a good deal of time. Makes me so mad. Darned old Fay liver. Did Ralph tell you about our trade. These two houses for lots on the Boulevard just above (north) of Arbor Vitae. You remember do you not? I hope we'll make some money there in two or three years The buildings are still going up and creeping down this way a few blocks north of our lots A 50 ft lot sold last summer for 920 per front foot. Right in the center the only way you can buy now is on a 99 year lease. Most people seem to think we are lucky How are you two coming along? And what are you doing now in your work? I suppose we will not see you till summer will we? Egbert is feeling better than in the winter but not at all well any of the time. He has his new teefe now and thinks these are going to be all right. You really owe us a letter - and now it will be two. How is your sinus coming. Let me know the latest bulletin I enclose a clipping of the new Botanic Garden. We drove by that canyon that last morning you were here way out on that coast road do you remember. Love to you both and write to us when you can