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when Ned died. About our coming east, I don't know Sidney, I'm still down and out and I don't know when I'll be able to come. the intestinal "flu" left me with colitis, of which I've had many attacks in my life and a tendency to the attacks and sometimes it takes a long time to shake it off and get back my strength I was on a liquid diet most of the time for some weeks and have lost a lot of weight and strength It's a depressing ailment and if it wer'nt for Egbert, I don't think I'd care to or would go through any more of these. I was so well the last two or three years I thought I'd never have any more. but I'd got rather worn down over Egbert's condition the first part of the winter and then our real estate trade was a constant strain and excitement for a long time. I lost a good deal of sleep and although I did'nt notice it I suppose I was running down for some time. Now I'm laying up. I think E is looking better than he did but I don't know as he is any better though I'm hoping so but when I get well enough I'm going to see what can be found out about him. You can't lay down any hard and fast rules and say "don't have an operation" or "do have one." It all depends on circum