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well. I'm going to try to get that bed warmer on to you though before he goes. I've found out what we can do about it and the next thing is to get it done, I'm going to take a room near the hospital for a few days to be near him. I'd go distracted way out here. When Frances had her operation when we first came out to Calif. I stayed at the hospital with her for five days & nights and I wish I could with Egbert. We dont know yet which hospital he will go to nor whom he will have for a surgeon, I must do a good deal of running around before we decide and I feel rather upset & fagged out. Hope you and Hattie are keeping up to the chalk line We have been having lovely weather here for the last few days which has been lucky for us for we have had to go in to the city three days in succession for examination & xrays & so on. Write when you feel able to & wish us good luck. Love to you both
Jan 7/28      Mary